Mirage Performance Ensemble seeks to provide a holistic educational experience built upon safety, excellence, and inclusivity that allows for interpersonal growth among members, volunteers, and staff.


Mirage Performance Ensembles was created to foster the performing arts community of North Texas. We currently offer two competitive performance ensembles. Ménage and Mirage both compete in the Independent World Class. Performing members must be 18+ to audition.


Independent World

Mirage was founded in 2022. Orgininally competing in the open class. During the 2022 season the ensemble was promoted into the World Class. Mirage is now a two-time World Class Finalist at WGI. In 2025 Mirage will compete along side Ménage in the independent world class at WGI and NTCA.


Independent World

2024 was the debut of our second performance ensemble. Ménage earned the open class bronze medal at the 2024 WGI World Championships. In 2025 Ménage will compete along side Mirage in the independent world class at WGI and NTCA.